Advanced Facial Reflexology

Bergman Method

I now offer this fabulous Facial Reflexology Treatment  - The Bergman Method, created by the award winning Ziggie Bergman, the pioneer in modern Facial Reflexology, who practices from her Belgravia Clinic.

I am honoured to have be trained by Ziggie Bergman herself.

Facial Reflexology has unique therapeutic benefits that aim to help your entire body function at its optimal level.........with one side effect.........more radiant, firmer & glowing complexion.

Facial Reflexology is very effective in improving lymphatic drainage by encouraging the elimination of toxins and can help relieve muscle tension, mental strain, headaches & migraines. It aims to reduce the symptoms and effects of many common ailments including sinusitis and congestion problems, insomnia, lack of energy, IBS and other stress related issues.  It can be particularly useful for people suffering with neurological conditions by working closely with the central nervous system and the muscles of the face and head.

Based on a Combination of Native American techniques and Asian body maps. The faces proximity to the brain is key to the effectiveness of manipulating facial reflex points which directly connect to the body's neurological-pathways

Worry, stress, fear and grief can all place undue pressure on the muscles in our face, and due to this tension can cause areas, over time to develop into lines and creases - our face can reveal so much about our overall health and wellbeing.

This method of Facial Reflexology can help to release built up tension and negative emotions so resulting in a plumper, firmer and more radiant skin tone........and who doesn't want a more glowing healthy complexion.....right!

The face's close proximity to the brain and cranial nerves especially makes Facial Reflexology very powerful in impacting the body systems.

The Treatment

What to expect from Facial Reflexology

  •  A full medical history will be taken before treatment commences

  • You will position yourself comfortably on the couch

  • Soft pillow and a blanket will be used

  • Full facial cleanse with hot towel

  • Now you lay back and relax into your treatment

  • A relaxing arm, shoulder & neck massage is given to begin


  • A vegan friendly Facial Elixir containing Ylang Ylang, Roses & White Sage will be applied to the face - an unscented facial oil is available for anyone who is allergic or sensitive to essential oils.

  • Facial Reflexology is performed comprising of facial massage & pressure points

  • Treatment comes to a close by awakening massage moves to bring you back to your day

  • 40 mins to 1hr total treatment time


What are the benefits?

  • Aims to relieve the effects of stress

  • Aims to improve circulation to the face  & head area, therefore speeding up the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide & waste products.

  • Improves Lymphatic drainage aiding the removal of waste products and toxins

  • Relieves tension in the muscle tissue

  • Relieves mental strain and improves concentration

  • Helps relieve sinusitis/congestion

  • Can help migraines, bruxism(teeth grinding), bells palsy

  • Helps a direct rejuvenation effect on the skin & leaves the face glowing and radiant

  • Can bring about a general feeling of calmness and relaxation


  • Botox - Facial Reflexology cannot be given within 3 weeks of Botox treatment

  • Facial Fillers - Facial Reflexology cannot be given within 3 weeks of having facial fillers

  • Face Lift - Facial Reflexology cannot be given until 3 months after operation

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